Thursday, February 2, 2012

Susan B. Komen, Planned Parenthood and Penn State.

I see MckMama is all worked up on FB about the Susan B. Komen Foundation dropping their funding for Planned Parenthood.  We all know how *that conversation is going to be moderated, deleted and banned so I figured maybe this would be a good place for anyone who finds it to discuss their feelings openly, with no fear of getting their hands slapped.  I know abortion is a touchy subject but it's also an important one to discuss.  *passes out the adult Underoos to everyone*

Also, SBK is claiming they didn't pull support due to PP providing abortions; they did it because PP is "under investigation".  Okay, fine.  Only SBK *is providing $7.5 million  in finding to Penn State, an organization which is also "under investigation".  Here's a link and ignore the HuffPost source...sometimes they actually remain factual.  ;-)

If you support what SBK has done with dropping PP, would you mind explaining if you think the Penn State funding is okay and why?  If you don't like what SGK has done to PP, how do you feel about the Penn State funding...should they be funded in addition to PP?  Hey, food for talk.  :-)


kate said...

Ha! I'm so glad you posted this.
I saw JM's gloating this morning and have been seething ever since...

Here's a comment from SGK's facebook that I plan to copy wherever it's appropriate:
You can donate as little as $5. to Planned Parenthood and they will send a thank you note to the person you wish to honor with your donation.

That’s pretty cool, because you can choose to honor:

Karen Handel
Senior VP of Fail
c/o Susan G. Komen Foundation
P.O. Box 650309
Dallas, TX 75265-0309

In short: SGK can go DIAF. A non-profit that commercialized women's health. Remember their lawsuit over their stupid logo?

Anonymous said...

First comment, after reading the comments on the last post I no longer feel bad when I come over and write thirty thousand paragraphs!

Shannon said...

Yeah so she pissed me off big time with this whole SGK thing. BIG time and now she can just go shit her fucking pants!!!

Seriously she is a woman with no insurance. She is a woman who could greatly benefit from the services that Planned Parenthood has to offer.

But I forgot while she thinks Obama and his "Obamacare" is theft....if she needs any medical services she will just go to the ER, rack up a huge bill, and then let the rest of us pay for it.

Shannon said...

LOL Mama P we can be rather chatty and long winded :)

Anonymous said...

I'll preface this by saying I am pro choice. I think every woman should have a right to do what she please with her body, just because *I* believe something is wrong, or *I* adhere to a specific religion does not mean the woman sitting next to me does. Who am I to tell her what she can do with her life, her body. Would I have an abortion myself? Nope, not a chance, not under any circumstance BUT if a woman chooses to have an abortion it is HER CHOICE.

With all that said, I think SGK is wrong for pulling the funding from PP, and if their reason really was because of investigation, then they should pull the funding from Penn State as well. But I call bullsh*t and say it has nothing to do about the investigation (which I don't even know why PP is under investigation) and more do to with political pressure to pull the funding. I think it's a bunch of crap and I personally will not be donating or raising money for SGK any more. I will however be donating directly to Planned Parenthood, and I'll be making sure I do it under the name of Karen Handel!

Shannon said...

I am so happy....local news story....One of the top officials in our state for the Komen Foundation has QUIT her job out of protest for the pulling of funding.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Wearing my Underoos over my Llegs. Yep I'd be all set now if I just had me some gorilla shoes.

Shannon said...

LMAO I got my big girl panties on today, I got on my Lleggs scarf hat combo.....I will NOT be wearing gorilla shoes though...I hate things between my toes LOL

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Me too. thongs. uuuuggghhh owie ewww.
Uh huh that goes for *any kind of thong.
Add *that to the outfit though, bwaaahaaaaa.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Um. Sorry to hijack such an intellectual discussion.
He hee.

Shannon said...

You are a breath of fresh air....nobody said you have to stay on topic....around here you can do what you want pretty much :)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Dancing around in my flipflop thongs and my other thong and my Lleggs hatscarf and my Underoos :)

sheesh what kind of program doesn't think any of those are words ;)

Um. Excuse ME!! That IS proper attire on the Island :O

Pamala said...

Is it wrong of me to just not care about this whole thing and wish it wasn't on the freaking news?

Actually I know I'm in the minority probably but I don't think Planned Parenthood should have any government funding at all. Why? Government sucks. That's why.

I think this whole thing shows that if people weren't such assholes funding to these organizations would be no problem. So why is the government involved at all?

Shannon said...

Well SGK isnt a government entity.

I think that we do need places like Planned Parenthood. With everything as a whole that they do it saves tax payers money in the long run. Imagine if all those who couldnt afford to spend $80-$100 bucks to see the doctor to get a prescription for another $80+ bucks a month to get birth control were cut many babies would there be popping up every year. I am not even talking about abortions, just those who are using the family planning options and being responsible with their bodies.

Or the women like me who go there for their annual exams and then start getting abnormal results...what if they couldnt go in and didnt find out something was wrong? How many would die from things like cervical cancer because it isnt discovered until it is too late?

Or the millions that are screened and treated every year for STD's?

If the government didnt help fund with this kind of stuff where would we be? How would the government be able to handle the influx of new people being given aid because of babies, death benefits, disability, etc etc.

Shannon said...

:) and no it isnt wrong for you to not care about it

KaytieJ said...

People bitch and moan about tax dollars going to low income health organizations. Politicians keep cutting back on services saying that charities and individuals must pick up the slack. Planned Parenthood has been a source for so many women of varying ages. It is one of the few places dedicated to serving young women who are scared, do not trust their family doctor and they need help. For all the problems that Planned Parenthood may have, it is a damn site better than some crank, back door, unregulated *clinic or a clinic that is run by an organization that will not provide certain information or services, ie, Catholic.

Korman pulling their funding had the right to do that. However, it will be interesting to see if it backfires on them.

Lisa - you've come such a long way in the years I have known you. Proud of you.

Lisa said...

"Karen Handel
Senior VP of Fail"

Ha! A Google of her name convinced me...i shall donate in her name and thank you!

Mama P, long comments are welcome here. Sometimes you gotta say a lot to make your point. And String, you can say whatever strikes your's all good. :-)

I'm absolutely pro-choice but when I was younger, I was rabidly so to the point I could have probably been called pro-abortion. Now? If I was to somehow miraculously become pregnant, I could not abort it. I don't feel it's a baby yet, I don't believe life begins at conception but rather when viable outside the womb with a bare minimum of medical intervention. But hey, that's just me...others feel differently and we need to just let everyone make their own decisions, as far as I'm concerned. The hypocrisy of Jennifer McKinney is killing me, though...she is such an idiot.

Speaking of idiots, I saw this comment and around here, I'm not insisting on protecting privacy concerning comments made in public arenas unless you just want to. So, name and all, here's her comment:

"Tiffany Barnett Kinnaman Good for you for standing up for wnat you believe in! Abortion is murder. Wether the pregnancy was from rape, incest, ect...God makes NO mistakes, and to choose abortion over adoption makes one a murder. Thou shalt not kill. If you choose to do so, no matter the excuse you will have to pay your consequence in the end. May all those sweet innocent babies rest in peace."

I happen to agree with her that God makes no mistakes but, I'd like to know how many abortion doctors she's personally stopped? Even if she has to kill them to stop them. I mean, I know if I saw, say, a 6 month old infant about to be murdered, I'd do everything in my physical power to stop that murder from happening, even if I had to kill the murderer. I can't imagine even giving it a second thought, you know? If it's really a baby about to be murdered, you protect that child *then, with no thought to your own safety or legalities, don't you? So, I wonder how many abortion doctors Tiffany has stopped? I'm betting that would be a big, fat zero. So much for it being murder, hmmm? If you (generically speaking) want to stop the "murder", do it. Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk or admit you've failed God.


Lisa said...

"Korman pulling their funding had the right to do that. However, it will be interesting to see if it backfires on them."

I doubt it will. In the end, breast cancer sells and that's their product.

"Lisa - you've come such a long way in the years I have known you. Proud of you."

Thank you, truly. For those who don't know, Kaytie and I have been good friends for gosh, what? Around 15 years now? We met on an old AOL message board and she saw me through a lot of the crap that happened. I'm so lucky to have her, she's awesome. :-)

KaytieJ said...

This article is from NPR. Apparently PP granting by SKG in such places as California, Colorado has not been stopped because in these states PP is the only low income women's health clinics.

I should not post before coffee. Yawn.

Pamala said...

I actually think the public would pick up the slack. Imagine if Planned Parenthood didn't have government funding. There would be no issue at all with the services they provide. But because they do receive government funding (and I know SGK isn't a government entity, I was just going on about something totally different than this situation) then the public has every right to bitch and moan and pressure. Because it's our money. So if we want Planned Parenthood to be able to provide services without having to worry about what the voting public thinks, it needs to not be funded by the government in any way.

I tend to think the organization would run smoother and better without government hounding them over abortions. But that's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker, first time poster (if I can figure out how to). Abortion. I'm prochoice. Would I ever do it myself? Absolutely not. I've endured both pregnancies and miscarriages that "people who knew better than me" told me to terminate. Here's the bottom line for me regarding abortion: I am not accountable at the gates for any decision that someone else makes about their life, their body, their family. Just my own. Pretty simple. I would support any of my sisters/friends that felt the need to obtain an abortion. I would NOT try to talk them out of it based on my personal feelings, I'd go and hold their hand if they asked me to. I'd welcome them into my home - they can have my bed - for a few days following to recover if they like. I will bring them tea & toast, and hold them if they need it. It's their decision, it's their life, their decision is their's alone to make, and mine to respect.

Just Me

Pamala said...

Totally off topic, MWOP is slipping into more disgusting behavior. Now they're just flat out mocking her. Honestly those people are starting to look ten times worse than MckMama ever did, at least in my eyes.

Shannon said...

Just me, I am very much the same way. Though I think at this point in my life, pushing 40 and my youngest is pushing 19, if something were to go wrong and I were to get pregnant I would probably consider an abortion.

Pamela I think that people also have to realize and recognize that abortion is legal in this country. Women who are on government medical get abortions too but nobody yells for them to lose their aid. IDK I just think that there are a lot bigger and more upsetting things that people should be concerned about with where our tax dollars go ya know?

Pamala said...

yeah like to unions and insane pensions. LOL!

Shannon said...

LMAO no shit!!!

Mike Bellotti, former U of O football coach, gets over $41,000 per MONTH from PERS for his 20 years of working at the U of O as coach and athletic director.

Shit I would like to be bringing in $41,000 a YEAR!!

Pamala said...

Yeah don't get me going about the out of control pensions in this state.

Recently in the news it came out that a teacher had been taking inappropriate pictures of children and making them do nasty stuff with his "bodily fuilds". Did they fire him? Oh hell no, why would the Union do that? They told him resign or we'll fire you. So he fucking resigns and gets full pension benefits. The tax payer of LA and the state are paying for a pedophiles pension. How fucked up is that?

Shannon said...

OMG that is seriously fucked up Pamela!!!! God here in Oregon we have probably had 6 teachers in the last year who have been found with child porn being sentenced to prison time. No retirement. No pension.

Shannon said...

In happy news in case you havent already seen...if we want to call it happy because they are still fucked and this isnt going to fix anything. SGK reversed their decision and are once again funding mammograms through PP. I dont see this as all that good of a thing because all it is is them realizing that their wallets were being hit and hit hard. It has nothing to do with being concerned with women's health.

Lisa said...

I'm with Just Me up there...that's how I feel, *exactly. And welcome aboard, Just Me. :-)

Shannon, yep, that reversal was nothing but a business decision to keep their pockets lined. I'd have had more respect for them, not that it was really any, if they'd just stuck to their guns on this. They're just another bullshit "charity" like the Salvation Army and that G1H1 or whatever that JM associates with.

Pamala, it's stuff like that that has turned people against unions. For many years, I was a pretty strong union supporter but in the last 20? Nope, sorry. They're nothing but troublemakers, most of them.

Anonymous said...

"SGK reversed their decision and are once again funding mammograms through PP."

I still won't be donating to them, they only reversed the decision because of the outcry against them, and someone tell if I'm wrong because I've done no research on the matter, but doesn't SGK get/have millions of dollars? If they do and only donate $700,000, that's lame.

@Lisa "They're just another bullshit "charity" like the Salvation Army and that G1H1"

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. I like to give to charity (in a I want to give you stuff and not write it off on my taxes kind of way) I will not donate to Goodwill, Salvation Army and a few other local "charities". When I donate something I want it to go to help people, not make money for others. I'm happy we have a local thrift store where all proceeds (except for cost of rental space & utilities) goes to a food pantry, the workers are all volunteers.

Also, in case anyone wants an update on my Bed bug disaster, we still have them. Flipped the boys new mattress over today and found like 10. (Flipped the Fu*k out again, recleaned etc etc. That's basically all we've been doing, cleaning cleaning and more cleaning. BUT we are getting somewhere because a majority of what we find are dead. We're trying a new trick, we put double sided tape on a bowl, inside and out, then put DE at the bottom of the bowl and put our bed frame legs inside the bowl. The theory is, the bugs crawl up the bowl to get on the bed legs, except the tape stops them, and if the outside tape doesn't the inside DE and tape do. :sigh: So much work!

Pamala said...

Anyone disturbed about the amount of comments over at MWOP lately? I mean it's insane the amount of comments people are posting.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean this rude, but clearly you are disturbed by what happens at MWOP. Why don't you just stop reading?
I feel like people are over the top. I don't read they any longer. I'm not really interested in what they have to say.

Pamala said...

Cause I'm bored. LOL! Seriously I don't visit the site when I'm busy. But when I'm bored I kind of jump around between many sites. If anyone has any suggestions of good sites I can go to (that hopefully aren't blocked by work) please give them to me!

Lisa said...

Pamala, the comments always pick up with the drama...something new to talk about because they're probably bored, too. I'm not bothered by it except when they reach the point that anyone on the fence reading there would be put off by the trash-talk.

Mama P, that's very clever, your DE in the bowl idea! You could probably market little bed-foot kits, you know? As for charities, I stick with the hospice that helped with my dad since over 90% of the donations go directly to their patients and then I'm a strong believer of help starting close to home. I like doing what I can for people in my neighborhood who I feel justifiably need my money more than we do. Where I live (Brevard County, FL...Space Center area) is one of the hardest hit areas in the nation as far as unemployment and housing. I can do more good right here, on a personal level, than I ever could giving that same money to a psuedo-charity like those we've both mentioned.

I was reading JM's FB...saw this:

Samantha Arends (...skipping past her crap on abortion...)
"I've read your blog for a few years now and I am appalled by the amount of hate and nasty comments out there towards you. you should be free to say what you feel and not have a hate storm blown your way. ultimately it's your FB and blog and if people have an issue with that then they can stop reading. What ever happened to freedom of speech?"

Indeed, Samantha. What *did happen to it?

Pamala said...

Why do people go to freedom of speech. Yeah we have freedom to say what we want and not have to worry about the government arresting us and throwing us in jail. But that right doesn't extend to private blogs and what not. Like people like to say that by moderating comments you are violating their freedom of speech. Hardly so.

She has every right to post whatever she wants, and people have every right to post what they want about it. What they don't have a right to is their comments being published. That's up to her.

Shannon said...

HAHAHAHA Lisa that is what I was thinking with that comment too. I mean HELLO the woman starts discussions like that to get things heated and hopping :) And really are the comments against her stance really and nastier then those who support her??? Really??

MWOP is fun to read when bored. They are insane over there. The drama gets going and the speculation starts to FLY :)

I personally only donate anymore to our local Catholic Community Services, not sure if they are national or not. But I know that anything you take in there is used. They GIVE the things donated to them away to those in need for free, no questions asked. When I was moving into my own place after becoming a single mom I didnt have anything but beds for the kids, a TV, and a couch. I called them up and I had a dining room table, dishes, dressers, lamps.....all of it used things that would probably never sell at a yard sale but believe me I didnt care.

Lisa said...

"She has every right to post whatever she wants, and people have every right to post what they want about it. What they don't have a right to is their comments being published. That's up to her."

It is up to her, I agree, but when, as Shannon said, she posts about things that she knows gets people riled because of the wildly varying and extremely emotional opinions, why then censor people or why want her to censor people? That speaks of such a small mind, imo. Shit, you see what the subject is here right now and I'm not about to censor anyone who doesn't agree with me and, in fact, I'll defend them if someone feels they *shouldn't voice a dissenting opinion. That's one way we learn, isn't it? From listening to others with differing ideas? Shannon's right, one was ugly over there and there was no hate storm,. There were simply people who disagreed and explained why.

Lisa said...

Fuck me running, Tiny Candi is on JM's FB and making sense. Then again, she *would know the ins and outs of every entitlement and freebie/cheapie program out there. Yes, that's ugly of me to say. No, I won't lose any sleep over it. :-P

D Miller31108 said...

Hi Ladies,

I do cat rescue, so usually most of my donations go to our rescue.

Other than that, I do St. Judes and the tangible items I give to PARCA.

Anytime I hear of a family in need, I try to give them a little extra.

Gotta go finish my Pina Colada. Hubby is making an excellent dinner tonight. Took son to park for 3 hours today among other things! Those parks are exhausting!

Anonymous said...

I just want to complain that I'm in Indy, and missing all of the Superbowl fun because I have a new baby. I guess it's worth it? That's what they tell me. I cannot pretend I'm not extremely jealous of everyone having a good time.
-an old friend.

Shannon said...

LOL Lisa TC's comments have already been deleted from JM's blog. Must say I am still rather shocked that mine have managed to stay.

Friend....It is worth it but in a different way :) babies are awesome and precious and grow up too fast....but at the same time you are missing on the football fun :(

Anonymous said...

:I just want to complain that I'm in Indy, and missing all of the Superbowl fun because I have a new baby."

Aww, yay for new baby! Definitely a good reason to miss the superbowl! I live about 2 hours outside of Indy, we *thought* about heading up there but being pregnant and tired doesn't really bode well for any of us! But we'll be watching! My favorite team is playing!

Who is TC? I've never heard of her.

I'm getting ready to go to sleep, I've been cleaning all day and I'm so tired now!

Do any of you read the single infertile F... Blog? Her post tonight about her neighbors irritated me. Maybe it's hormones but she came across really bitc*y to me, and on that note, Good Friday night everyone! I have to wake up and do some homework and get back to cleaning tomorrow!

Pamala said...

I can't stand SIF so I don't read her.

As for comments, I guess I don't see an issue. I do not agree with altering comments to mean something they weren't originally, but I have no problem with people deleting comments they don't like.

I take this stance for the same reason I'm pro-choice. I want the right to do with my blog as I please, so I'm not going to complain about how others run their blog. LOL!!

Shannon said...

I am a part of SIF's blog frog community but I dont read her blog.

Lisa said...

Mama P, Tiny Candi wa a regular poster on OHIH and some other places. You know how sometimes you run across someone who just irritates you from the outset? That was Tiny Candi, for me. Half crazy leech on society, she was and may still be. I can't see her name without getting aggravated.

I steer clear of SIF in all forms. Sorry.

Pamala, I do agree that a person can do as they wish on their blog and someone who says from the outset they'll do so? Fine, whatever. But don't march around asking people what they think and inviting people to ask her anything, then delete what she doesn't like. That's shitty in my book.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Kind of nice that she's killing her own blog, oops, I mean *moderating over on bullies.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm done reading SIF. I went ahead and deleted her from GR. She just aggravates me, but one thing I have learned from reading her is understanding a bit. I can understand how some of JM's former readers feel, especially the one's that emotionally or even financially invested in her. I started reading SIF right before her 2nd IVF procedure, and I was definitely emotionally invested!

I've spent all morning writing a paper on search and seizures, now I'm off to clean!

Lisa said...

String, I didn't have a problem with a lot of Tina's moderating, since she said from the outset she would. Personal info, cussing, etc...fine. It was when she started deleting comments that weren't favorable to her yet allowing comments to remina that weren't favorable to others (and not just me or Shannon) that caused me to draw my line and leave. I don't like hypocrisy.

Mama P, I read SIF for a shirt bit, early on. Because I feel *so strongly against what she's doing to have a baby, I had to stop. I will say, and this is no poke at you, but just a general statement, that I don't understand people getting emotionally involved in bloggers beyond aggravated with them. Maybe I'm just sort of cold or something, I don't know, but yeah...

Lisa said...

Ugh, I need to proofread. Often.

Shannon said...

Lisa that was what started eating at me. Nobody was allowed to say that the sun didnt shine in her world but they could post anything and everything about anyone else and that was fine.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Lisa, yeah I have no problem with "moderating" I suppose. It's holding all comments off until she "has time" to review them. And do I think it's manipulation? Ummmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the BWOP deleting vs what's allowed to stay:
I'm Julia, aka Anastasiabeaverhausen from MWOP. I rarely post on MWOP anymore, and occasionally read. It was brought to my attention by a fellow MWOPer who knows me in real life that someone was crazy stalking me on BWOP. What's interesting is, I used to use my real name, back on OHIH and MWOP, so it doesn't take a super detective to figure it out. Only went to anastasia because I saw a re-run of WIll and Grace and thought it was funny.
I emailed Tina/Lauren/Justme or whatever she likes to call herself, and politely asked her to remove my work info. I don't care that people know my name or what I post, because frankly, I'm pretty sure what I've posted is what I feel...I've never been one to speculate on Jenny, or accuse her of child abuse or having a a mental illness. Are all of my comments nice? Nope.
Lauren ignored me repeatedly, but claims she doesn't want people posting personal information. She is a fucking hypocrite, and quite frankly, a liar. I've never had any interaction with her other than those emails, so I"m not sure what her beef with me is.

Can you imagine what someone in real life would think if they were contacted by some loon from the interwebs? Especially all the threats to tell people's husbands? Come on. My husband knows all about Mck, and thinks we are all crazy anyway.
"Uh, do you know Julia? She posts on a mean website". Seriously? Do they not realize what a fool they would sound like?
Anyway, just my 2 cents on the comment moderation. If you want to tell my husband, I'll send you his email.

Lisa said...

Heh, can I tell him? Welcome, Julia! I'm trying to recall a Julia from OHIH and I'm sorry, I don't but my memory sucks anymore. Sorry, it's not personal and it doesn't matter...I'm glad you found your way here. :-) Tina's a pip, she is. You know what I find funny? We opened anonymous comments up here and there's not been a stitch of ugliness. *knocks on wood* Makes you wonder why...and God help me, I hope I didn't just jinx it. But look at the mess she gets on there. Interesting...

You know, I've asked people the same thing when they worry about their jobs being contacted...won't your boss just think someone is a nutjob and blow it off? Apparently some won't, though, and endangering someone's job is one of the few lines that *will* be drawn here, regardless of who you are. If your husband would have an issue with it, I reckon you've got bigger problems than posting on the internet to worry over.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Hi Julia/Anastasia,
I remember you (and have seen you post infrequently still) and you *might remember me if you thought of a string of random letters :))
Always (meaning I don't remember every single one but in general) liked your concise posts and agree with your summary.
And initially I thought you and reginaphalange were the same person. Ummmm, maybe you were. I CRS. I do remember your profession. But have no interest in stalking you. Or telling your husband.
You can tell mine though. But he's six feet under, so good luck :P
I think it's great that you are here. And could not care less really, about what happens over on bullies. It bugged me momentarily because I stood up for her on the forum, but ... whatevs!

Anonymous said...

Give me another clue! Were there S's involved in your name?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Nope. If I had been very clever, I'd have made my name here begin with the same letters. A lass I am not that cleaver ;)
Sorry, I've been reading comments from JM's blog at mwop.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Should have said, Nope, I'm Not (the person with the Ss - do you mean sscss or however you spell it?)

Lisa said...

String, that woman is totally screwing with her, don't you think?

And really? She's never made her kids hamburgers before?

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** New Post Up! ***

StringOfRandomLetters said...

She is just learning to cook, I think. None of her concoctions are ever actually cooked food. Dumped. Warmed. Or just set out for photo material.
And boy howdy, I sure hope that woman is messing with her :) I think so too.

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