Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finally, a new post!

Sorry, I wanted to let the one for Chris stay up as long as possible.  Remember, go here: Caring For Chris and please consider helping, if you can.  Every little bit adds up to a lot and if you can't help financially, please just pray for him to whoever it is you pray to...they're good with that.  Hey, cross your fingers for him, even.  It all helps.

Now, enjoy this courtesy of Robin in Montana.  I know I was reminded of someone. :-D


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Muliebrity said...

I am not even watching that video and can barely look at the picture! ::Shudder::

Muliebrity said...

Caught up on MWOP. Some good stuffs the last few days.

Muliebrity said...

poop. poop. poop. poop. poop. poop. poop. poop.

Nilia said...

Poop right back at you, Mulie!

I fell asleep for a bit and not I'm screwed it's going to mess with my sleep tonight for sure. So I"m going to say goodnight and sign off, and hope for the best.


kristin said...

morning ladies - thought I'd have a lot to catch up on.

Anonymous said...

Morning Kristin!

My little guy was up and down last night saying his ear hurt. Not fully believing it b/c 2.3 seconds after taking some Tylenol, it was much better. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin & Sandy!

Kathryn should really shut her trap. She is illiterate and nothing she says is even remotely smart or well thought of.

kristin said...

true dat Corinne!

Morning Sandy! Sorry about the little guy but glad he went back down for you.

Margo said...

Good morning - I took a benadryl last night and I have a HANG OVER...

I'm really trying hard to spell correctly, however, the computer has ruined my ability to spell on my own and my handwriting is crap. However, I know God loves me and that's what matters. YUP!

kristin said...

LMFAO Margaret.

and really, I don't have a problem with a misspelling here or there but when it is ALL.THE.TIME - it bugs and when you can't shut your trap, it gets annoying.

As long as you have the big man on your side, then you are good. :)

Anonymous said...

Morning Margaret & Corinne!

Sorry about the hang over Margaret.

kristin said...

Margaret -

Just a random thought about your neighbor. If the court has no record of your court hearing and you got a "summons" in the mail - if this isn't real - wouldn't that be illegal or something?

I haven't had coffee yet so my thoughts are a bit discombobulated (and I have no f'in clue how to spell that).

Margo said...

We didn't get anything in the mail from the court - that's why I checked with the court.

Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret!

Honestly, I don't mind an occasional spelling mistake because it happens to all of us but as far as Kathryn is concerned, it is ALL.THE.TIME. I have to read out loud to try to understand what she says.

OMG. Justin Bieber is on the cover of People mag! I'm so disappointed in People. tsk tsk.

kristin said...

LOL Corinne - great minds think alike :)

kristin said...

sounds like she just wants you to clean up her yard.

How is your other campaign going?

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about something.

Right now, Mck makes virtually no money out of her manic twittering. But, what if twitter allowed ads? Or sponsored/advertising tweets?

Her ad revenue/income would probably grow exponentially, right?

Lindsay said...

Good morning!

AP - Yes it's still driving me crazy and it's a new day. :/

How is everyone besides hungover???

kristin said...

Lindsay - what is driving you crazy? I saw the reference last night but I'm a bit lost.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay!

Margo said...

That's what I think Kristin. She's got all this other crap in her yard and she's worried about a little bit of tree. I also found out that her handyman renter who has a sign on his work truck "licensed and insured" doesn't have even a drivers license because he's had so many DWIs. I know that doesn't matter in relation to the tree but it's just so odd to me that she has all this illegal madness going on and she's threatening us. My husband says it's a mixture of her being a nasty old b and Dewars scotch :)

Anonymous said...

Morning Lindsay and thanks! I'll keep you posted.

kristin said...

I am all sorts of confused today.

Margaret - that is horrible. Can you report him?

Lindsay - I am good, tired and sore but that is what I get for playing softball :) Are you doing okay?

Lindsay said...

I'll email you Kristin. There are just a few things swirling around in my head from last night that I want to do a little more pondering on :)

How did softball go last night?

Corinne - you aren't about to tell me you can sell advertising on twitter now, are you. If so, you'll be able to hear my jaw drop all the way over in Belgium.

M - I thought I cornered the market in douche canoe neighbors, but alas, you have won!

kristin said...

What kind of vitamins does everyone take or do you take vitamins?

I am very tired lately and just blah - I know a lot of it has to do with not being very active (and I plan to get to the gym at least 3 x's a week) but I also don't (or haven't been) taking any vitamins.

I normally just take Vitamin C and a multi-vitamin but not sure if that even accomplishes anything. Any random advice?

kristin said...

that is cool Lindsay - I was thinking of e-mailing you - I've been thinking of you and your friends family. Hope you guys are doing okay.

Anonymous said...

Kristin- B-12's are good for energy. I take a multi, a C and B Complex. I'm going to start taking Vitamin D also.

Lindsay said...

I am loving my vitamin D. And I'm taking the B vitamins, but I bought sublingual and it's really grossing me out to dissolve it under my tongue. I might have to find a new one of those.

K - I'll write you today after yoga. We are hanging in there and my friend is, too. The service on Saturday was heartbreaking, but the celebration of life was a true par-tay.

kristin said...

Softball was softball - I am sore today though and my hip was really bothering me. This extra weight is really affecting me.

Our first game - well not sure exactly - the ump said the other team won but our books said we were tied. Time had expired and the other team was batting - they had 2 outs with 2 runners on when the ump said "ball game!" - we didn't argue but that is another loss for us - and I hit like shit.

Second game - they beat us - I had one good hit and then my BIL hit behind me and hit it to the fence - well I am a slow white girl - and I made it home - and he was right behind me - he looked to see where the ball was - and looked back and he was right on top of me - he touched me - and I was called out. I had no clue about that rule. So it sucked but I got out.

kristin said...

ok lindsay - glad it was a party and glad you guys are hanging in there.

Candi said...

I went to MWOP to see if anyone else felt the same way I did about MckMama's raffle. Yet some people still can't leave well enough alone. And watching some of the behavior here...it reminds me why I stopped frequenting to blogs like this in the first place.

You don't have to like me and frankly I don't give a shit if you do or not...but continuing to talk "behind my back" after all this time is ridiculously stupid. Grow up (AP & the like).

And I don't know who emailed Kathryn...but I'm assuming it's the same person who emailed me. I'd never heard of the daisy blog until the "grace sarah" person said that my "friends" were talking about me and gave me the link. Let me just say...I'm not surprised at all. Apparently it's some kind of hot "news" that I posted at MWOP. Big effing deal...I think it's kind of psycho that you still concern yourselves with me to the point that you fall all over yourselves with excitement because I post once thing at MWOP.

You talk of hoping people are "done" and not wanting people to come back. Or here's a clever idea...why don't you just suck it up and control your own behavior. People are going to do whatever they want to do...you are prime example of that. It's been MONTHS since I have posted on any blog where you guys frequent to, but you STILL aren't "done" and continue to beat the dead horse. Which makes you pretty hypocritical...considering that's what you snark on ME for.

It makes you look stupid to "bait" someone and then "hope they go away" but in the mean time, snark the shit out of them at your little play place. But if your goal is to make yourself look stupid...I guess you can check that off of your list of achievements now. Congratulations.

You'll have to come up with something a little better than "spelling" to snark about me. The fact that I defend myself? The fact that AP gets her panties all in a wad over me? The fact that I was banned from OHIH because I thought Krista was a scamming bitch? Frankly I don't think any of these are very interesting...but if your life is truly lacking so much that you have to find things like this to excite you...well how sad for you.

Of course, I suppose you can snark my spelling...considering you snark me for having anything to do with Kathryn and I don't even know who the hell she is. Doesn't appear that things have to have any truth for you to open your PIEhole.

I'm the nutjob with the "last word" syndrome...though it's interesting considering how many of YOU are the ones who do the very same thing...you just have your rally of friends to circle around and make it the "cool" thing to do.

And now I'm going focus my attention on more important things. Because unlike a great many of whom I won't call by name, I have more important things to do than spend HOURS on a blog "chatting" like little high school girls. Thanks, but I have a REAL life.

Margo said...

Kristin - I don't think it would be wise to turn him in. The husband and wife renters have assault charges against them. I really don't want this to escalate.

kristin said...

YIKES Margaret - crazy!

Lindsay said...

Yup, M. You win the crazy neighbor award. I just win the annoying as heck, drug peddling neighbor award.

Anonymous said...

The neighbors next door to me never come outside. The lady who owns the house lost her husband a few years ago. Her daughter and SIL moved in shortly thereafter with their three kids. The kids are 7, 6 and 2 and NEVER EVER come outside. Her son and grandson just recently moved in. You see them coming and going to work and that is it. It's very strange.

Lindsay said...

Sandy - That is kind of strange. So how many people must live in that house??

My neighbor had his music up until 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. But he didn't start playing it until 1:00 a.m. I like the guy, so I didn't call the cops, but I really wish his girlfriend would quit selling the drugs.

Lindsay said...

Ha! Grant is practicing his recorder right now (ugh) but the dogs are singing along. They are howling this quiet, high-pitched howl. It's cracking me up.

kristin said...

linds - you should video tape that!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay- 4 adults and 4 kids.

We just started the Recorder business here, ugh!

Lindsay said...

I'm going to have to tape it and figure out how to post it. It would be funny. I'll try to do it this afternoon after school. If the dogs are in their crates, they literally do it every time he practices.

Sandy - enjoy! It's been so much fun this far. And he wants to play the French Horn in band next year. I thought that's kind of an odd choice, but at least it's not the violin or clarinet which are beautiful instruments when in the right hands, but are really hideous to hear when they are learning.

Lindsay said...

Alrighty - off to drop the kids at school and yoga. I'll *see you all later :)

Margo said...

Sandy - I would be VERY worried about those children. They don't go to school?

Anonymous said...

The son's boy goes to the same school as C. The other three are girls and they go to some school that where's uniforms. I have no idea where. It's just weird. The kids may come out 3-4 times in the summer and that's it. No fresh air ever.

Lisa said...

Lol...good morning, all.

Angie said...

Morning AP! Morning all! I got nothing interesting to say today.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning AP! How are you this morning?

kristin said...

morning AP!

How are you today!?

I got your e-mail this mornig and responded. :)

Robin in Montana said...

Good morning,everyone. :-)

Shannon said...

Good morning ladies

kristin said...

Deadliest Catch - New Season - Tonight!

Shannon said...

It makes me sad Kristin....I know that Phil will be in some of the episodes if not all of them :(

Of course I will be watching it

Muliebrity said...

Good morning, Daisies!

Lisa said...

I'm fine...I have my little bluebird on my shoulder and am approaching today with sunshine dribbling out my ass. :-) How are y'all?

Kristin, I know! What time? If it conflicts with Lost, I'll have to catch it later but I'm excited, although I'm going to be sad, too.

Lisa said...


Can someone tell me what this says? Someone left it as a comment on my blog and I don't have the font or whatever is necessary for it to be translated.

Anonymous said...

It says "My the bluebird of happiness be with you today and always" Um...really I don't know that was an uneducated guess. ROFL :D

Angie said...

LOL AP! I think it says "Sunshine dribbles out of your ass, bitch." But my Mandarin is a bit shaky.

Lisa said...

Funny, funny bitches you all are. :-P

Angie said...

Oooooo, I think it's a Bible verse, AP!

Margo said...

Kathryn is glad that she cancelled the photoshoot with JM? I thought she's a photographer?

kristin said...

I saw that Margaret but I will no longer banter with her.

You guys are cracking me up!

Shannon said...

I am feeling like today could be a damn good day LOL

I will have to check later to see if it really was LOL

Angie said...

Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." NIV version

Angie said...

AP, that is a good verse for you! Your heart is well-guarded.

kristin said...

I was just researching that! Thanks SW.

Muliebrity said...

Something about God loving you, AP. I think.

Robin in Montana said...

Deadliest Catch new season is killing me, because it interferes with Biggest Loser and American Idol. At least DC will re-run each week; right?

Muliebrity said...

I wonder if Kathryn ever got the money she never donated back from Compassion?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it says "What would Jesus Do?"

Angie said...

Beat ya, Kristin! I'm a Google quick draw!

Lisa said...

SW, are you pulling my leg or are you serious?

Angie said...

On second reading, I think it says, "Jesus wasn't a chatty little high school girl, so why are you?"

Angie said...

AP, I was serious in the first translation, about guarding your heart.

kristin said...

It will be sad. Looks like it is on at 9e/p

Angie said...

AP, I think it's just Fersher flirting with you. She likes foreign languages, remember?

kristin said...

That is what it says in Google translate. True dat!

kristin said...

Guard your heart 江林月嬌 Jiang Lin Jiao

你要保守你心,勝過保守一切;因為一生的果效,是由心發出。 Guard your heart, better than all the conservative; the outcome, because life is issued by the heart.

Robin in Montana said...

AP- are you sure it's sunshine? ::looks doubtful::

Totally aside, my dorkier than life cousin (Grant, AP) hates all the quotes people put on FB instead of just saying something of their own, so he started misquoting people.
For example:
"Whut you talkin' 'bout, Willis? ~ Jesus."

T@iy@ said...

Hey Daisies!

Robin in Montana said...

You guys really need to watch the video! I promise.

T@iy@ said...

Robin! My husband is all excited about boots, now, thanks to you. :) We are both getting a pair for our 5 year anniversary because I don't want diamonds and he doesn't want a watch. :)

KaytieJ said...

Morning Daisies! Just home from work and catching up with y'all.
Who the heck is TeenyCandy? And what is she screeching about? Such a mess of a post, but hey, after a few rounds of CPR tonight, successful BTW, reading a post of her blather blurred my mind enough, I might just be able to doze off right here.

Lisa said...

Well, that's funny, that translation. Huh. Thanks!

Yes, Robin, it's sunshine. I'm sure. I bet I could fart rainbows, too.

Lord, I'm ladylike today. :-D

Anonymous said...

That video is awesome. I'm thinking of getting a python now. What great babysitters they make!

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya - I'm happy for you! What boots does he want? And when is your anniversary?

Angie said...

Congrats on saving a life, Kaytie! I never get to do that in my stupid job.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy. I know. Who knew?
Kaytie - When I'm watching Grey's Anatomy in the morning, I think of you. :-D

Anonymous said...

Dripping sunshine and farting rainbows! LOL

T@iy@ said...

May 21st. He wants Twisted X, but he is undecided which design he actually wants. There are 2 stores kind of near us that we are going to check out and see if we can try them on. Both are about an hour away, but not a big deal.

T@iy@ said...

Make that 3. :)

Lisa said...

Kaytie, you, by far, had the most productive day (well, night) or any of us!

TeenyCandy, lol, is an old poster from OHIH. She...is what she is, as you saw.

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya -- Well,I'll live vicariously through you!

Travis just returned from his honeymoon, called me to ask about how he was supposed to file his tax extension (@@) and said to let the girls knew he bought them a 'present' on his trip. Socks from a flea market in Phoenix. I know. lol.

KaytieJ said...

Dripping sunshine and farting rainbows!

That's our AP! Goddess and God love her!

T@iy@ said...

Wow. Socks. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Um...what Taiya said. You've got to be kidding right, RiM?

KaytieJ said...

RiM - I would turn it around and tell him to stuff his extension in the flea market sock! :::Successful CPR makes me feisty::: And I have to confess I have not seen Grey's Anatomy. Hope your thoughts are good RiM :-D

Lisa said...

Socks? Wow, I'm thinking you should have stayed married to him, Robin. I mean, with that kind of generosity, you really let a hell of a man go.

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya - I'm not sure. Apparently socks are what all the kids are wanting these days. lol.

He said, 'you know how the kids are always needing socks,so I got them some.' Well,no, they don't *need socks. They need to learn that taking one sock off in the garage behind the 4-wheeler and one sock off out in the yard by the mailbox, or taking one sock off and stuffing it down the couch and using the other sock to plug up the sink while they float popsicle sticks doesn't help them get in the wash and back on their little feet for school. It's not a lack of socks that's the problem, lol.

Muliebrity said...

Those better be some damn cool socks!

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie - I love Grey's. As in I am an addict. It makes me think things, like when AOL had that front page story the other day of the guy who had a knife or something wedged in his head and how risky it will be, I think, shoot, they do that stuff on Grey's all the time, and still have time to sneak into a supply closet and have a go. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

AP - I know. My lack of stick-to-itiveness haunts me every day.

T@iy@ said...

*flea market socks are not what the kids are wanting these days. I may not actually be a kid, but I can guarantee it. I thought maybe he found some super cool socks that your kids have been wanting (you know I would have *loved horse socks from any source when I was a kid). Wow, RiM.

And I will let you know what boots I get when i get them. I will definitely post photos and gush about them :D

T@iy@ said...

BTW- I was totally that kid with the socks. I would take off my socks and shoes outside and use them to tie sticks together for a fort, or just because I wanted to go barefoot and they would just end up outside.

Anonymous said...

Hi RiM, Taiya, Shannon, SW, AP, Kaytie and anyone I've missed!

Kristin - re: vitamins

What you describe could be anything from magnesium and iron deficiency to vit. B12, C or D deficiency. In order to be sure, I'd have my blood drawn because not taking the right kind of supplement might either do nothing or have annoying side-effects.

Anonymous said...

RiM- flea market socks? I don't know what to say :-D

KaytieJ said...

SW - It is VERY cool to physically save someone, can't deny that. However, there are so many other ways, too, that I see! I sound like "dope on a rope" right now, but each and everyone of you Daisies do it every day in your own way!

T@iy@ said...

OT and I know this is totally ridiculous, but i am super pissed that my FV dog is in jail and they want me to pay money to get it out when *their stupid program glitched yesterday and wouldn't let me feed my dog, then when I finally did it obviously didn't work right. Grrr. I am not paying real money to get that thing out. Stupid dog.

Lisa said...

Okay, I'm going to go put a bra on and try to manhandle my washer hoses. See y'all in a bit.

Lisa said...

Wait. Taiya, it takes FV cash to get the dog out? That's not right.

Okay, now I'm gone.

Muliebrity said...

I am waiting for a guy to give me an estimate for a fence. I have no idea how much it's going to cost.

KaytieJ said...

Taiya - ruh roh...I think my *dog may be in jail with yours :-( I say it is a hostage situation invented for $$$.

T@iy@ said...

I agree, KaytieJ. It is only 3 FV dollars which I have from playing the game, I guess, but if I had to buy them with my money I would never consider it. I tried feeding that stupid thing all day yesterday and it wouldn't eat. Oh well.

KaytieJ said...

I think, shoot, they do that stuff on Grey's all the time, and still have time to sneak into a supply closet and have a go. :-D

:::ggghhhhaggggg::: Never, EVER!

KaytieJ said...

Mulie - Oh boy, good luck with the fence estimate.

T@iy@ said...

I have to get off of here. My Mom is coming over to rescue my sanity and watch my DD while i work on Eeq's room and general cleaning.

Hope all of you daisies have a great day!

Mulie- hope it's not too expensive.

KaytieJ said...

darn..I gotta go too -hoping for 6 hours shut eye! Have a wonderful day Daisies!

Margo said...

Kristin - on the burned out house campaign. The county I live in is pretty big so each section has a supervisor. Planning and zoning gave me the run around when I called so I sent an e-mail to our area's supervisor. I received a complete blow off e-mail back from one of his staffers. I was planning on stopping by his office this week, however, you summoned him by asking :) He called today needing something from me. He calls today with a question and a favor. Tells me he didn't know about my e-mail that the house is a major concern to him too. He says he's working on it and hopes to have closure soon.

My neighborhood is not pretty, it's right between the millions of dollar houses and the projects - literally. One house is not going to make a difference. However, main concern is that it's dangerous for the homeless people and teens that are hanging out in there. Summer is coming and the teenagers will have a lot more time on their hands... I will be patient for now :)

Anonymous said...

Wish me luck...getting ready for the first of two IEP meetings. The second one will be in two weeks. I hope I have the power to drip sunshine and fart rainbows because I don't think it's going to be pretty.

kristin said...

{{{HUGS}}} Sandy!

Margaret - it's a start!

kristin said...

for father's day - have them give him a tie or socks :) - if they do that type of thing for him.

Muliebrity said...

So is $2,100 a lot for a 150 feet of chain link?

kristin said...

Mulie - I just got a quote for fence - but it is construction fence @1.49 per foot - so not sure.

Margo said...

Kids don't want socks!

Campaign 3 is workers comp hearing in June. That one is the worst as there is physical pain involved :)

Lindsay said...

So, don't laugh (or feel free to), but the Easter Bunny brought socks this year. And my kids totally loved it. You never know. My kids are kind of strange, though. And I'm a nerd who puts socks in Easter baskets and toothbrushes and toothpaste in stockings :)

That being said, if it's been established that my ex does douchey things and all he brought back from his honeymoon for my kids was socks, and then had the nerve to make comments on their lack of socks, I'd be significantly pissed.

T@iy@ said...

Yeah, Lindsay, I would have to say that vacation and only buying socks vs. the easter bunny bringing them are totally different things!

Margo said...

Remember those t-shirts, "my parents went of vacation and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"...

Robin in Montana said...

Margaret-- lol! That's exactly what I was thinking!

My kids will be happy they got socks. (and snow boots) But he hasn't called them or anything since he left, which has been, what a week and a half or so, and to them Phoenix is a big deal and it's a 'honeymoon' and I know they will be thinking they're getting something more. They'd have beenhappy with a sucker that said Arizona on it, lol. I don't mean to bitch about him, although that's what it sounds like, it's just frustrating. He doesnt do it to be an ass on purpose, he just doesn't *get it.

Lisa said...

FYI - if you ever want to change the hoses on your washing machine, make sure you've turned the water off to them first.

kristin said...

lol AP! Sorry - not laughing at you ...just picturing you wrestling a hose with water spraying all over.

btw AP - you have mail!

Karen said...

Afternoon Daisy's! So much going on with me - haven't been commenting for a day or so - but I did read and catch up... So much to say as I was reading, now today that I have time to post... it all went ploop - out the window...

We went to a state park two days in a row - Sunday with youngest daughter and her b/f and Riley - yesterday just with daughter and b/f - Riley stayed with Ang... had a great time but my legs are sore! Lost my darn cell phone somewhere on the trail yesterday... was hoping a kind person would call my "home" number on it, but nope... We were probably 3/4 of the way through the 3.2 mile hiking trail when I realized it was gone from my pockets, so Patti and I turned around and re-hiked the same part of the trail looking for it.. but nothing... damn... its always something!

Ang took Tay yesterday to get his FIRST haircut and OMG does he look older now - and exactly like his cousin Riley - what a cutie pie he is. He's here today - upstairs napping!!

Anyone know if you have bronchitis if you can treat with over the counter stuff or if you need antibiotic? Patti has had a cold and congested for about 10 days now, and its starting to hurt in her chest more, she's coughing up more loose stuff, and she's super stuffy again, with alot of sinus headachy pain going on.... Any ideas?

Anyone around this afternoon?

Lisa said...

It is a mess out there. A wet, dirty mess...ugh. Why can't just one thing - anything - go easily and right?

I'll go check, Kristin. I think you send mail just so you can announce it, though. ;-)

Karen said...

OMG you didn't turn the water off? ::snort snort:: I'm not laughing at you either!! really - not sitting in the corner with Kristin cracking up... honest!!

kristin said...

nope - this is for real!

T@iy@ said...

Hey Karen!

Pretty sure she will need an antibiotic. I only know this because of my husband getting it from being a garbage man in MI. He has had it 3 times and they told him that it wouldn't go away on it's own and if he thinks he has it to go to the dr.

Lisa said...

I'm here, Karen. I don't think antibiotics are usually used to treat bronchitis. Have her keep warmth on her chest. Loose stuff could mean it's finally all breaking up in there, which would be good. Sorry she feels so bad, though. Sorry about your cell phone, too...that stinks.

Be sure to post pictures of Tay with the new haircut!

Karen said...

I thought bronchitis was a viral thing, which would mean no antibiotics right? nothing is green (tmi - sorry!) and it is loose, she's been putting vicks on her chest and her feet and taking mucinex.... she has no insurance right now - cause we can't afford cobra! so for now - not going to the Dr. unless she starts running a high fever or something, so far no fever....

I have pics of Tay on Facebook of getting the haircut, but have to take some today when he gets up from his nap - he was tired and not too happy yesterday so the pics are more just showing him getting the actual cut, but I'll get new ones today of how adorable he is with the new cut!

My cousin just found out she's having a girl - she's due Sept I think... First girl in the family since Angel... we have all boys in our family!! Speaking of Angel, the date of her death/birth is April 16... she would have been 3 years old. I want to do something for Angela that day, but what??

Lisa said...

Karen, check your local CVS', Walgreens and Walmarts, even major grocery store chains...many of ours have walk-in clinics now and the cost is good - around $50 for many things.

I'm not sure what you could do for Angela except love on her an extra amount. :-/

Karen said...

I'm just hoping this latest group of over the counter meds we bought this morning work for her - she is snoozing/snoring away on the couch right now!

Maybe I'll make her dinner Fri night... She is actually going "out" with a "boy" on Sat. night and we are keeping Tay overnight... I don't know when she planned that if she realized that it was the day after her Angel's day.. but maybe thats a good thing, will keep her busy and out of the house and not home alone all night...

I think there are a few Walgreens around here that have walk in clinics... if she does end up having to go the Dr. then thats what we will do... find a walk in...

Margo said...

Karen - I don't know how old Patti is but when I have chest congestion I take an extra long steamy shower or if I feel really crappy just run the shower and sit on the bathroom floor. The warm steam helps break things up.

Karen said...

Margaret - she's 34! Its my partner, not my daughter! and she's taking a few showers a day actually - The chest congestion sounds really loose and she's coughing alot of gunk up - its the stuffiness thats the problem. Some of it might be allergies, they are saying on the news that the tree pollen in this are (NE Ohio) is higher than its been in years! and she's used to living in NY - this is her first spring in Ohio... So that might be some of it!

Robin in Montana said...

Karen-- oh, it could be allergies. I know I am having a hell of a time with them right now, too. I also got diagnosed, right around her age, with adult-onset asthma, and it started out with what they were calling bronchitis, so ... there's that to think about, too.

<--ray of sunshine.

I am dealing with the stuffiness with good ol' fashioned Vick's and Vick's nose spray (not the one that's actual medicine that's addictive.) I am happy that Kelly does not seem to mind going to bed with someone who smells like a nursing home. lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm back from the meeting. IEP went very well. This was just the academic portion of it. No tears or hurt feelings. I didn't need to bitch slap anyone. Whew. Now in two weeks, it will be a totally different story. That's the behavior plan portion.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy -- I am glad today's portion went well!

Anonymous said...

I was so prepare to be a snarky bitch today. It went really smooth and I like a lot of the new things that they are going to try. C is so all over the board. You would think she isn't on the spectrum the way she acts...but she is. The main problem right now is the non-compliance at school. If she doesn't feel like doing the work she will tell them just that. I'm not doing it.

Muliebrity said...

Karen, Is she taking allergy pills too? If not, have her try some OTC claritan or zyrtec (generic of course). She can still take those with her other OTC stuff and they take a few days and doses to start working, but maybe that will help too.

Margo said...

Sandy - that's great!

Karen - sorry, I thought Patti was one of your kids but maybe a grown kid :) I hope she feels better soon. This time of year (I live in VA) everyone is snorting, hacking, coughing.

Muliebrity said...

My 2 year old had one eye half way swelled (is that right?) up from allergies. He looks like he was stung or caught up in a back alley brawl.

Margo said...

Aw Mulie - it's sad when the little ones are sick because they can't really tell you how they feel :(

T@iy@ said...

Yikes, Mulie. That stinks! He must have some bad allergies.

T@iy@ said...

Now i am kind of ticked. I got back on here after taking a nap and read your responses about Patti possibly having bronchitis. Then I googled bronchitis requiring antibiotics, and it basically says that you don't usually need antibiotics, usually only in extreme situations. Why did the stupid doctor have us come in all of the time when my hubs didn't really need them? Oh, wait, I am guessing money. Grrr. I'll be remembering that. Jerks.

T@iy@ said...


What's on the menu tonight? We are doing homemade pizza. Just have to get some fresh oregano at the store to finish the sauce. I'm going to go find some sort of goodie to make for Matt, too, since he was so happy to have those cinnamon rolls.

Muliebrity said...

I don't think Hunter has bad allergies, but you know that when something is irritated the will rub and scratch till it gets even more irritated. Both boys have well check ups tomorrow, so we'll see what I should be giving him besides the chewables I have been giving him from when Logan had allergies.

Lisa said...

Sandy, I'm glad things went well.

We've had a major issue here...I caused a flood. Water spraying and spewing and pouring. Miss Arse literally threw her poor old body over the faucets just to try to keep it from spraying and damaging things more. We couldn't get the water to the house shut off either. I finally got ahold of our local handyman who came running. He knew how to turn our water off at the meter (they put new ones in and you need a special tool now, it seems) and he fixed the whole mess for me, then got as much of the water up as he could. I'm worn out with so much left to clean up but hey, I have new hoses on the washer now. *eyeroll*

Menu tonight? Um. Whatever is leftover in the fridge. I am not cooking.

Anonymous said...

Hello fab ladies. I just wanted to say how much we are loving getting to know all of you. Chris feels so thrilled that a "queerple" (his term....yes, it's for Queer Cripple") could be so accepted and loved on by a community who has no obligation or responsibility to do so. Considering that many of his lifelong friends have begun to drift further away the more it becomes apparent his recovery will be a long, maybe forever, process.......this is REALLY GOOD for him to have "fans".

I came home today for 2 days so I can do laundry and catch up on all the crap I ignore while I'm at his apartment taking care of him. (My husband is with him for the 2 days) He says when I get back on Thursday night, he wants me to film a little thank you video message for the ladies here. He says it will be cinema mastery, think "sally field meets the 'not old' one from queer eye".

He and I were both TRULY enjoying the conversation the other night but blogger quit loading comments. It drove us crazy, we tried loading the blog on the computer, my phone, his phone.....nothing worked. It just would not show comments past the first (i think) 200. Now I see many of you dealt with this. If anyone has figured out how to AVOID this......please share!!

I need to unpack and start my laundry but I will be in and out tonight. Chris had a test today, to make sure he is still ok for solid food. This is apparently normal for people who have paralysis on one side after a major stroke. Anyway I will have to tell you what he said when the adorable ma kettle looking nurse came out, grabbed his elbow, and said "we just need to check and make absolute SURE that you can swallow anything that might end up in your mouth, ok?"

Oh, the huge manatee.

Lisa said...

Did you guys hear they found that missing little girl, Nadia Bloom? She's been lost and sort of trapped in the woods, in water, for almost 5 days. A guy from her church says he woke up this morning with God speaking to him, telling him to go get her. So, he suited up for a jungle and, he says by following God's instructions, walked directly to her. It took him less than an hour to get in to her but took rescuers 3 to get her out since they had to literally cut a path. Weird. She's in amazing shape, smiling and joking, just terribly dehydrated and bitten up. Things that make you go hmmmm...

Also, if anyone keeps up with the Hayleigh Cummings case, they searched the river up there after a tip her body could be found there and have just said they've found "something."

Anonymous said...

AP......oh I literally lost sleep over poor little Hayleigh. It seemed like every single thing that came out about either the father, the mother, or the father's girl friend (now wife..?) was one more thing that made me wish some people would have to be licensed to breed. (Sorry I know that is horribly un PC of me but the way they neglected this poor baby.....)

The mother couldn't explain how she got LARGE bruises while in her care, nor could she explain why custody was taken due to "extremely excessive truancy". One media outlet said her transcript showed she was only in school 1 out of every 5-7 school days. I don't know if it's true but I would not be surprised. Now all the "adults" have been charged with felony drug trafficking........I just am crushed when I think of what that little girl's last hours or moments might have been like. Please God, let her not have suffered.

kristin said...

I just read that story AP and was going to link it here. I did not hear about the cummings girl though.

Hi Elisabeth, et al!

Lisa said...

Hey there, Elisabeth and Chris! Shoot, we're just a bunch of misfits here, anyway...who are we to shun a queerple?

Send a video on, it'll surely be posted! You can send it to me at anemonepie at yahoo dot com. I don't know that I've ever even checked the Oopsie Daisy email, to be honest.

The nurse thing? Yeah, y'all fit in just fiiiiine. :-D

Lisa said...

Oh, the Hayleigh thing just breaks my heart...that poor little girl being raised, and probably killed, in the midst of all that ignorant, doped up white trash. Nancy'll be good tonight, I bet. I'm with you, I just hope she didn't suffer.

Kristin, post a link if you have one. It's nice to have a good ending to a missing child story for once.

Lisa said...

Has anyone heard from Tee lately? I miss her.

kristin said...


PJ said...

Hi all! Finally time to catch up.

I'm SO VERY impressed with how well you all ignored our visitor earlier today.

PJ said...

This is an answer to an old question - twasn't me who sent an e-mail to Kathryn. I too fear the day she finds us.

PJ said...

Ah, the quiet dinner hour.....a daily occurance.

Angie said...

Sandy, so happy to hear the meeting went well! Yay!

Angie said...

Hi CK, I'm here.

PJ said...

Hi SW! Missed you this weekend.

Sandy, I too am very happy for you that the meeting went well.

PJ said...

SW - are you also not working while at work?

Angie said...

Well, if by "not working while at work" you mean surfing the net while on hold with the stupid cable company, which STILL hasn't fixed my phone or internet service, then yes. I need to bill another half hour to make my target for the day, but it's not looking good.

PJ said...

I resonate with the days of billable hours, and am glad to have left them behind. Unfortunately that also means I've left behind the big bucks that go with it.

Grrrr on the stupid cable company.

Angie said...

Billing for a living is sheer hell. A higher level of hell than, say, digging ditches, I'm sure. But still hell.

Anonymous said...

AP, I was just catching up on the comments on Chris' thread. I am so sorry I freaked you out thinking that I was saying Twg gave us meat! God, there is no way to talk about this without sounding nasty. Moving on......

I was telling HER, and addressing her by name- "Twg, a great reader from MWOP brought us a cooler of venison"...because I knew she'd be happy for us seeing how meat is a luxury for them also. But I didn't realize people were reading it as "a great reader from MWOP, Twg...."

I know that any time money is involved you have to be so forthcoming and transparent. Not MckMama transparent, REAL transparent. And I have tried to include every type of verifiable detail and nugget of info possible......and I can't believe I f'd it up talking about deer meat encased in plastic tubes!

Anyway......I am SO SORRY I gave you a moment's pause. If you have any doubts or questions, please tell me what/if I can do anything to relieve them and I will.

Sorry to have to interject that here gals, but I saw that AP got genuinely upset and I didn't want my brother to suffer doubts because I am a crappy grammer-tician.

Twg sold a print, and sent 1/2 for Chris' therapy and used the other 1/2 to buy meat. For HER family. Totally unrelated, a fireman's wife who reads MWOP said her hubby had a special hunting permit given to firefighters and they had freezers stocked with good healthy lean venison and wanted to give us a whole deer of it. We have never eaten game before but after doing some research it looks like it is about the healthiest thing I could give Chris. He said we have to cover up all the deer meat in the freezer with grapefruit vodka and frozen mallowmars or his Gay Card will be taken away, though.

So the mystery of the Mystery Meat is solved...I hope!

Margo said...

Hi daisies. I went to dinner tonight with my dad and sister. My daughter decided tonight was a good time to start asking questions about body hair - "you know mom, down there", eek!

KaytieJ said...

Evening Daisies! Popping in to say have a lovely one before heading into work.
Sandy - Thank goodness the first meeting went well! (((())))
Mulie - fencing is expensive...sigh.
AP - Good lord! You are my handygal idol and you went and did something I would do! What is this world coming to? And your dear, old, Mrs. Arse, drenched as a drowned rat! What a mess and I am glad your handyman had the right tool to help out :-D

Peace Out!

Anonymous said...

Coming out of lurkdom...hi.

Thanks Elisabeth for re-clarifying the mystery! It's obvious you are trying really hard.

I hope you get the chance to rest in between loads of laundry.

Anonymous said...

AP...sorry about your flood!

They have changed our water shut off thingy near the meter and we were told if we touch it we will be fined.

We need to replace some thing on the outside water spigot that is leaking, but now have to call our city to have them shut off the water first...and I think they charge for it. And if there is an emergency, I guess the house floods while they take their time getting to us. Mjst be the new way to make extra $.

Anonymous said...

ugh..."Mjst" = Must

Anonymous said...

AP, sorry about the flood.

Kristin, I recommend a B-complex and Vitamin D. You may be able to forgo the D supplement, though, as you live in sunny TX.

RIM, I was at my local flea market this weekend, they had packs of 24 socks for $10. Klassy!

And if we're calling out "Ghosts of Blogs Past", I would love to send a shout-out to our favorite misogynist, ~P~!

Anonymous said...

And Sandy, glad today went well. Hopefully the IEP meeting in two weeks will go okay, too.

PJ said...

Anybody watch Idol tonight? I caught the end. Who did the judges like?

Anonymous said...

AP, just wanted to say I am really sorry about the flood. I've only had a flooded bathroom once, with no carpet, and even that was a total mess. I can only imagine your aggravation today. I really hope you can get it sorted out quickly. I literally cringe just thinking about the tasks ahead of you=(

Muliebrity said...

I HAVE to go to bed early tonight. I will not be staying up till 3 am plastering this blog with "poop". I have things to do tomorrow.

Muliebrity said...

No Idol, CK, just DWS and now Lost.

PJ said...

I just pulled a Kristin - posted at the wrong blog.

Glee joke - "did you know a dolphin is just a gay shark?"

PJ said...

::spoken by a stuck up cheerleader on Glee::

PJ said...

Your comments earlier made me think of Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys. I'm a proud member!

Anonymous said...

Hi CK! I'm a proud member too! LOL How is your daughter doing?

PJ said...

Sandy - thanks for asking - she's doing better. She's applying for a really interesting job this summer and is excited about the possibilities.

The trigger point injections seem to be helping her back.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, it's fine - really! It confused me more than actually upset me but I knew you did nothing wrong, trust me. I'm sorry I didn't make that part more clear, myself. I have no doubts about you and Chris, I promise, nor did I. You've been too forthcoming to be lying, plus the MWOP crew would have outed your asses by now. Those ladies are badasses. We? Tend to be lazy and let them do it for us, then we gossip about it. ;-) Please, no worries, okay?

Shannon said...

LMAO AP such perfect timing as always....I was just catching up on what may be new in the world of gossip according to MWOP....

PJ said...


Guard your heart, better than all the conservative, because life fruit effect from thee

I tried a google translator.

Lisa said...

Thanks, all, for the flood pity. Thankfully this is an outside room so it was kept confined to there until it got high enough it crossed the high thresholds and spilled out onto my carport and patio. Everything was soaking wet...the ceiling, walls, all my tools and what concerns me are (is?) my electrical panel, water heater, washer/dryer and freezer, which all sat in quite a bit of water as well as being hit with it full force from above.I'm running the washer now and it's okay...I'm hoping that's a good sign.

Hi, Christy!! And yeah, we aren't supposed to mess with our meters either but we all do anyway. Defiant rebels, we are.

Lisa said...

Mulie, you need to rest!

CK, that translation is odd, but thanks. You misfit, you. ;-)

Kaytie, I talked to my mom a few minutes ago and she said she still feels wet...lol. She's such a trouper. She made me "get the hell" out of her way because I'm "too slow and big" to do it right. She apologized for that later but I thought it was funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure who it was that had a 3 year anniversary of what sounds like a tragic loss of a daughter or maybe grand daughter.......
I just saw this tweet and thought of you

She is trying to help with her son's medical expenses. These candles look so pretty, but what made me think of you, is you can customize the labels. You can get the little one's name and a sentiment about missing her just as much now as 3 years ago........I'm sorry if I am not being sensitive, I just thought it was an idea you might want to consider. I am truly sorry for your family's obviously heartbreaking tragedy.

PJ said...

On line translations usually are pretty funky.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, that's a sweet thought with the candles and I've never seen any like them. I went to her blog and they seem like such a loving family, don't they?

Unknown said...

"too slow and big" - that is freakin' funny and glad you didn't take it the wrong way - but glad she apologized.

Hey ladies!

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Lisa said...

Hey, msntgal, good to see you!

kristin said...

AP - more mail :)

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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