Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, Suz!

Since it's Suz' special day, let's all give her a hand!  :-D


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Suz....another fellow fabulous Aries!!!!!

Lisa said...

All you Aries people are going to form a special little clique now, aren't you? And talk about the rest of us, no doubt. Make fun of our sweats with no underwear...stuff like that...

Muliebrity said...

Spent the entire evening rearranging the living room and kitchen.

Muliebrity said...

The doctor told me yesterday I should avoid lifting my children, he didn't say anything about furniture though.

Lisa said...

Mulie, are you nesting?

Lisa said...

Well, furniture doesn't squirm so I'm sure it's fine.

Nilia said...

Well happy birthday, Robin and Suz! My oldest is an Aries too!

AP: My little one was reading over my shoulder yesterday and he saw your name and he said:

Any Money Pie?

And I just said, sure honey, any money pie.

I just popped in to say hello and catch up, the vajazzler was... just wow.

How are the pregnant ladies tonight?

Shortround update: no update. :0(

Lisa said...

Any money pie, hmm? That's vaguely hookerlicious. I think I like it.

Does poor Shortround have a name yet?

Lisa said...

Oh, crap, I missed that last sentence.

Nilia said...

Any Money Pie: if you weren't so busy with your crushes perhaps I could command your full attention to my entire post? Hmmmm?

Muliebrity said...

FT, They seriously haven't name the kid yet? What are they calling him?

Nilia said...

Mulie: they say:

"Do you want to pick him up?"
"Do you want to feed him?"
"Doesn't he look cute in that outfit?"

I had my kids decorate a card and write a message beginning with "Dear Shortround". I put "Shortround Steve" in big letters on the front. I have had arguments with mom because I refuse to call him "the baby". I know he's a baby, dammit!

He's 4 weeks Friday and they have 30 days so they have until Sunday I guess, depends how they're counting (he was born Friday morning so is that 1 day?).

Please tell me you and your husband have picked out a name. We need to stop the madness right now!

Muliebrity said...

I leave my 4 and almost 2 year old buckled into the car all the time. The little guy is a runner and seriously ran into traffic the other day, while on a freakin leash. He's fast and he thinks it's funny to run away from mom. I try to do as much as I can when the big boy is in pre-school 4 hours a week, but that time goes quickly. As long as the temperate is safe, I will run in and out of places. I don't generally have to do that when hubby is home, but with the way the almost 2 year old has been acting, I feel like he's safer in the car.

Muliebrity said...

FT, That is crazy! Shortround will be a big bother by time they name him! Then they will need to pick out 2 name! Do you know what their choices are?

Lisa said...

FT, leave me and my weird boy-crushes alone.

So, basically, Shortround's name is Him, with a nickname of He. Can I come slap them now?

Mulie, you won't hear me bitching at you. If you've got a runner, confined in a car is always safer, imo.

Nilia said...

I confess to leaving kids in the car (keys in my pocket, car locked) to say pay for gas, pick up the pizza I've pre-ordered, that kind of thing. I can certainly see them at all time and am never very far. I'm not sure what the law is here, to be honest.

Muliebrity said...

Of course he just started running right after my husband left for his deployment. We live in a small older town, so I am constantly afraid they are going to cut a finger tip off in an old door or something.

Muliebrity said...

AP - Are you talking about Jonathan the judge or is Jon a contestant? I cut back the cable to save money, so no more Bravo for me. Lord, I miss it.

Nilia said...

So tired tonight, so I'm going to call it a night.


Muliebrity said...

I think I'm heading to bed too. I am up way to late, but actually worked hard tonight and watched 2 episodes of Lost. Night all!

Muliebrity said...

to = too

Lisa said...

I knew I wasn't the only one locking a kid in a car for a fast stop!

Mulie, Jon the contestant. He's funny as hell and even more blunt than funny. There's nothing PC about him, he opens his mouth and what he's thinking rolls on out, which I love. If it weren't for Bravo, I'd scale back my cable but I can't bring myself to lose it. I think I'd cut back on food before losing Bravo.

This season of Lost is, so far, disappointing. At least I think so...anyone else?

Lisa said...

I'm off to bed, too. Gotta take my mom to an eye doctor appointment in the morning and Miss SteroidsViaEye is already bitchy because I told her it's not clear yet and that I bet she's looking at another couple of weeks medicating it. Fun times.

Goodnight, all.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Suz

Kristin that is so sweet to send the Daisy's to Robin!

Also sweet Kristin is that you mentioned my mom's divorce in your cheers with the wine AP suppied - I appreciate you thinking of her. It didn't go well, she got $1 a month in spousal support until her deadbeat ex claims that he works and stops getting unemployment. He "works" for his g/f and she owns a driving school - he said that the school was losing money - so he is "volunteering his time" to help out and not getting a paycheck, thus he gets unemployment and doens't have to pay spousal support. ASS HOLE!! Also they each have to pay their own attorney fees, which sucks! and... he owes back spousal support, from before he filed for unemployment, he just has to pay that back at $200 a month - for the next year. Subject to re-figuring if and when he gets a job. I'm just glad he's going to be out of her life! We took her to lunch, where Angela works, and she had a vodka and tonic... go mom! and talked about changing her name (at 71 years old) back to her maiden name! She will get through this - although today shook her up alot - she was pretty emotional sounding after court, but the vodka and tonic helped her out a bit I think! And we got her some whoppers at Kmart after we ate... she took a long walk with her dog, and then sent out an update about her status via email to my sister and brother and her sister.

Tomorrow we have Tay, and my sister is coming to get her hair highlighted by me, and then my mom is coming and we are all having dinner, and then going to where my sister's husband does karaoke tomorrow night... should be fun.

AP I got an email that you are on twitter and want to follow me. I don't even remember what my twitter name/info is... So I don't even go on there any more - so I'd love for you to follow me... but I'm not a twatter.... :)

I'll check in at some point tomorrow - goodnight Daisy's!!

kristin said...


Karen - sorry about the spousal support - that sucks :(

FT - really? Poor kid!

Morning ladies!

Off to get ready!

Margo said...

Good morning daisies - I think THE shortround needs a name and C needs to die. Day 15 without the feeding tube and she's in pain, upping the morphine... My daughter has had death meltdown, lots of questions, crying and acting out at school. I've not handled this situation well...

T@iy@ said...

Morning all!

Karen- sorry to hear about your poor mum. Not cool.

FT- I will swear here and now that if my daughter doesn't have a name by the time she is born (around May 25th) I will just let you Daisies have at it. She *will be named! Poor Shortround. Who wants to be referred to as 'he', 'him' or 'baby'?

T@iy@ said...

Morning Margaret,

Sorry to hear you're having a hard time.

Margo said...

Thanks Taiya :)

kristin said...

Margaret - I am sorry to hear - day 15 - WOW! How old is she?

Is there a book that you can get for your daughter or ask her to write in a journal - or call a counselor at school? I know when my parents went through a divorce in HS, someone mentioned something to a counselor and I was called in to talk about it. Now when I was 17 I thought I had it handled and was quite offended that my friend would do that but it might help your daughter.

kristin said...

Morning Taiya and Margaret! Just got to work!

Today at LM's school - i was supposed to bring in a sandwich - cut into 4ths - got stuff out to make it - no bread and we had a whole loaf a few days ago. I think SO eats 2 a day.

Luckily school is right around the corner - I bought bread and brought all the fixings and will run the sandwich by later. :(

Must go get coffee.

Margo said...

She's 86 - it's amazing but not in a good way...

My step-mother is a grief counselor so she's going to work with H and there is a nice counselor at school who I talked to yesterday. She was doing so well with everything that I thought she was ok.

My parents split up when I was 17 too, my dad also had cancer at the time and then my friend died in my car - I wish my parents had sent me to talk to someone :)

Margo said...

I made my first school lunch today - that's the other thing that came out - H hates the school food and has just been making a mess with it, then she's ravinous when she gets home. I made PB&J, cut up pear, cute napkin and 2 chocolate gold coins - I feel like Mrs. Cleaver!

kristin said...

awesome margaret! The teacher told me a few weeks back that he hadn't been eating the lunch at school - "for awhile now" and just remembered to tell me - nice - so now I send him with food for school but she says he doesn't eat that either. I don't know what to do b/c he doesn't like PBJ or sandwiches - I usually get the Jenny-o turkey and cut it up with cheese - yogurt (he loves) and some sort of fruit (usually a banana) and then chips and fruit snacks - he also eats some for snack but she says he isn't eating the meat - unless she holds the other food until he does.

I've also done hot dogs and chicken that you can get for salads - he loves chicken but she said he wouldn't eat it at school.


kristin said...

Sounds like your step-mother would be a great help in this situation and might be able to give you things to do at home.

Help at school would be beneficial too, sometimes it is easier to talk to people you don't really know.

Sorry about your high school days :( That sucks!

Angie said...

Morning everybody! Kristin, did you see my post last night about Survivor? What did you think about it?

AP, re your question about Lost, I was initially disappointed, but I loved the Sawyer episode and liked this week's episode. I also like where the "answers" we're finally getting are going. So I'm fairly content.

kristin said...

SW - yes I did and I half-ass watched it b/c LM was still awake - and I had to give him a shower - or at least lather him up.

I watched the end - that Russell is sneaky - speaking of - when i was at the job fair - there was a guy there with a hat just like Russell wears - an applicant - strange.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Suz! I hope you have an awesome day!!

Hi everyone!

Margaret- I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. (((hugs)))

FT- Poor Shortround, that little guy *needs a name!

AP- I thought the article I linked summed up the European views on the healthcare bill pretty well. I just wanted to add that, even though most Europeans (as in about 90%) are pro-Obama, it is more because they despise Republicans rather than anything else. The Bush era hurt the way the US were viewed abroad a.lot. (because of the way his govt handled foreign affairs - they showed they knew nothing about the European/Asian & African mindset).

T@iy@ said...

back again. Went to get a drink and it became "hmmm.. that floor needs to be swept" then "Hmm.. that floor needs to be mopped" and "Hmm... now that the kitchen is mopped the laundry room looks grungy, etc. Ah, well, now I have my drink, some stuff is clean and I can relax for a minute before heading to my parents.

kristin said...

Taiya - want to come over?

I thought that last night about my shower - but didn't do it - I was too pissy - and really should have - b/c when I am pissy - I do a lot more - but I did not.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T@iy@ said...

My daughter just pushed my head back, told me to "SEEP!" (sleep) and started pushing my keyboard buttons when I did so. Hmm... very stealthy. Apparently she wants to participate, too.

T@iy@ said...

Kristin- I am in prime nesting phase when not sick with food poisoning. :) So sure! I actually love cleaning other people's houses. Mine is the problem, generally.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- Maybe your daughter has interesting things to tell us, who knows? ;)

I went shopping. Again. My shopping-itis is worse than ever. I need help.

kristin said...

Taiya - LM does that to me too - "cose your eyes mommeee!

He isn't too big on the computer though -he does get excited about Molly!

Corinne - what did you buy? I hate shopping!

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T@iy@ said...

And she might... good luck deciphering what she has to say.. :) I get about one word out of 15 these days when she tells me stories.

Anonymous said...

Taiya & Kristin - I bought a cropped leather jacket in beige, a pair of ballerina shoes (in navy blue), a bra, a pair of boyfriend jeans and two T-shirts (in Coral and Turquoise). I needed none of these, btw. This is a sickness, I tell you ;)

kristin said...

It's funny b/c my mom and sister actually have to shop for me. They bought my Christmas outfit 2 years ago when I had nothing to wear.

I have no fashion sense nor do I like to shop.

I wear Jeans and t-shirts or work bought polo shirts.

Anonymous said...

Kristin - My sister and I are shopaholics, really. We have very different styles, though.
I would go shopping for you ;)

T@iy@ said...

Well, I can go shopping for me, but I am a pretty basic shopper. I just hate to spend the money on me, so I don't do it much. I almost bought a 100 dollar pair of cowboy boots on the fly the other day, though, so i do have weaknesses.

Luckily my feet are swollen from being preggo so they didn't fit very comfortably at the moment so I was able to turn them down.

Robin in Montana said...

Good morning!

Happy birthday to you, Suz! (I will send you the informatino about the Aries-only club in a bit. :nod:)

Margaret - Thinking about you and C.

I have no fashion sense at all, either. I used to, I swear. I am not kidding when I say I ferverntly wish that someone would turn me into the "What Not to Wear" people.

Taiya - what kind of cowboy boots did you almost buy? I want a pair of Lucchese boots so bad I can't stand it, but those things are *expensive. I totally live in my Ariat Fat Babies, though.

Corinne - maybe you should shop for me, too. I suck!

Re: the vajazzle thing. I'm thinking about it. :nod: It's getting the season to go horseback riding, though, and I worry about how *that would all work, you know?

Started to watch Survivor last night, but did not make it all the way through. Had to watch American Idol and Biggest Loser taped from the night before. When we move we're going to turn off my Dish Network account and open a new one in Kelly's name so we get the promotional deal and new equipment, but that means I'm going to lose the 15 gazillion Offices and Seinfelds and Project Runways I have taped that I haven't watched.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- I love cowboy boots, too :)

kristin said...

RiM - my mom and sister have thought about nominating me for that show - I'm not kidding.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kristin said...

bye Taiya! Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Hi RiM! I would gladly go shopping for you ;)

Anonymous said...

See you, Taiya!

kristin said...

My random fact of the day:

The science of kissing is called philematology

Angie said...

I forgot to say Happy Birthday Suz! I hope you have a great day!

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - tell your mom to nominate the both of us. She can use a "long distance friends" sort of angle!

Corinne - tell me what to wear!

bye, Taiya!

Kissing is science? Huh.

Robin in Montana said...

Hi, SW. I need to know ,... what are you wearing today? I've been worrying about that green dress that needs retiring. :nods:

suz said...

Good Morning Daisies! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Hubs bday was yesterday same as Robin. Funny we are both Aries but seldom clash heads. He gets me and understands my hardheadedness.

Anonymous said...

RiM- I would tell you what to wear but I'd have to know your style, your skin tone & body shape. LOL ;)

Kristin - What is the science of shopping called? :P

kristin said...

Happy Birthday Suz and Mr. Suz!

Anonymous said...

Now I feel so sad...Am I the only Taurus here? LOL :D

suz said...

Hi Kristin, Thanks for the bday wishes!

RiM, did you have a nice bday yesterday?

AP I love the happy birthday hands!!lol too funny!

Anonymous said...

Suz- Happy belated birthday to your husband and happy b-day to you!

kristin said...

Corinne - I'm an aquarius - I haven't seem many others Aquarians either!

Robin in Montana said...

Corinne - Kelly is a Taurus, and according to Zodiac stuff we are supposed to be a total disaster, but ... so far, so good. Maybe it's because of all the worship?

suz said...

Corinne, Thank you! I am having a good day so far :).

Anonymous said...

Kristin - My mom is an Aquarius, too :) (my dad is a Virgo and my sis is a Pisces). Not that anyone wanted to know that! Lol

suz said...

RiM, lol all the worship! I did not think to Aries were supposed to work either and we have been married over 20 years. Yeah it's the worship.

kristin said...

LM is a Leo and SO is a Virgo. I guess I need to look up the compatability on the 2 of us.

Anonymous said...

RiM- Must be all the worship ;)
Usually, I think zodiac stuff is bullshit but there are some things that are really weird. A friend who is obsessed with those things read me a description of my sign (and ascendant, which is Cancer)and it really described my personality well. That's just weird.

Taurus rock, btw! :P

kristin said...

My sister is giving me hell for watching Molly - she just said "haven't those damn owls hatched yet?" Oh well! Different strokes for different folks!

although I'm not as obsessed as I once was.

Melissa said...

Kristin-You're not the only Aquarius here-I'm an Aqua girl too. My hubs is a Capricorn and I'm not sure what the kids are.

kristin said...

woo hoo Melissa!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Suz and Mr. Suz!!

Please fill me in on the Aries Club. LOL

kristin said...

Sandy - how was the reunion? Was C happy to see you and B - was B happy to C?

suz said...

Sandy, Youre an Aries too? my there is a bunch of us.

Anonymous said...

I'm an Aries.

B told C, I'm glad you're home cause I missed you. She's being a little difficult this morning but that's okay. She had to hold it together for 5 days.

kristin said...

So JM just posted that RV has a new post up and "explained" once again that his posts are all dated in 2000.

I want to ask - why don't you just give him his own blog where he can post and you won't have to worry about post-dating them? Oh yeah, then you won't get the clicks - duh!

Shannon said...

Morning daisies

So I get to fight with my math amazing is that? I have a grade on the site we use for our work and such that is all inclusive with the final and everything, in fact last week he told us that our grad was posted there. I have a 76.3%. Well somehow official grades get posted on the college website and I have a big fat D for the class. Not sure how that works so now I have to wait for him to be back in the office to discuss this. Because I cant move on to the next section until this is fixed.


Now I can stop my bitching LOL

Anonymous said...

Molly update, they are trying to confirm owlet #3!

kristin said...

well I tried to post the question on her blog but I am blocked from commenting :(

Shannon said...

Oh and AP I really hope our little Aries club isnt going to be saying anything about wearing sweats and no undies.....or anything about wearing mens boxers all day with no undies LOL

kristin said...

#3 - :)

Shannon - sorry :(

Shannon said...

Kristin hopefully it is just an oops because I printed the pages that show the 76% and his grading scale and his email that said that our grades were posted there so he best just be fixing it LOL

Shannon said...

Normally I wouldnt care so much but dammit I worked hard for that grade LOL

Shannon said...

I am excited that there might be a third owlet in that nest lol...I was so surprised that I went on yesterday to find there were 2 of them in there WOOHOO

kristin said...

Shannon - I understand your frustration! You deserve the grade that you worked your tail off for.

Anonymous said...

Shannon, I hope it gets fixed soon.

Shannon said...

Me too Sandy it is just a frustration that I thought I was done with.

BRB I have to go make some phone calls real quick.

Angie said...

Robin, today I'm wearing a slightly less tired black suit with a periwinkle knit shirt underneath. I'm sorry that I got you worried about my wardrobe. It really is pitiful though. I just don't much about clothes.

Angie said...

Shannon, sorry about the grade, and that you have to wait to get it fixed.

Kristin, my obsession with Molly ended after Max was born and I got worried sick that she'd step on him. I had to quit watching for a while. Now I check in every once in a while, but I find it slightly annoying that there isn't a blog that updates viewers as to what's going on.

Angie said...

I just don't much about clothes = I just don't care much about clothes.

kristin said...

SW - there is a blog...let me go find it.

kristin said...


Margo said...

I do not care about clothes, shoes, jewelry, handbags or cooking - when I first met my husband he asked if I've always been a girl :)

I'm a scorpio with classic scorpio traits - I love my peeps but don't care ass biters!

Muliebrity said...

Good morning! I wish I could shop for myself right now, but shopping in the 3rd trimester, while broke is just not a good plan.

kristin said...

Margaret - I'm asked the same quesiton or similar from my sis - she asks if I'm really a girl. I don't carry a purse - I have a caribiner on my keys and put my keys on my belt loop. I love sports, football especially. I throw a football better than some guys I know and often outlast them in a game of catch.

kristin said...

My mom sent me this - I am extremely intelligent :)

With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and
wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out
to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured,

educated and happy.

Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think,
Good grief, look how smart I am!

Anonymous said...

Kristin, I must declare to the world that I am a genius! LOL

kristin said...

LMAO Sandy!

Shannon said...

LOL I am also a genius :) WOOOHOOOO

I am also not really a girl. I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I have a wallet not a purse. I have a suspension hook on my keys so that I can hang them from my pocket. I dont own heels. I do not own dresses or skirts. Pantyhose are of the devil.

The only "girly" clothes I own are my panties and bras...I like cute undergarments LOL

Robin in Montana said...

And i hate spending money on undergarment stuff worse than anything. I have ratty-ass bras from VS from years and years ago. I know,I know, I should do better. lol.

suz said...

Hey, I am part of the genius club too! yeah! And for the record not really a girly girl either! . Love me some football too!. Have a spur on my key chain. Drive a forklift at work and a jeep . Have a pair of steel toed boots that are uglier than get out but I love em. I do like expensive sunglasses and purses tho.

Anonymous said...

I'm a girly-girl when it comes to shopping and putting outfits together but for the rest? I'd rather die than be seen dancing, etc. I have a black belt in karate (karate-do shotokai), practiced krav maga for a while and before taking karate, I took judo for three years. So yeah, I'm not exactly a delicate thing ;)

Angie said...

Well shoot, Corinne. I pictured you as a delicate thing, what with your vast bra collection and all!

kristin said...

SW - did you watch Parenthood?

Anonymous said...

SW- LOL ;) Want an idea of my pain threshold? One time I had a tooth abscess and barely felt pain. I'm a freak.

Lisa said...

Hey, all!

Catching up, Margaret, I'm so sorry about today being so bad. :-(

SW, I'm still loving Lost, don't get me wrong...I'm just not having those "WOW!" moments like I have in seasons past. So far, like with this show, it's not coming as a surprise to me (although I thoroughly enjoyed learning about Richard's life) and I just really miss that surprise factor.

Corinne, another bra??

Suz, happy belated to Mr. Suz and glad you liked your video. :-)

Lastly, am I the lone Sagittarius here? I am a classic one, no question.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T@iy@ said...

I am a Cancer. Just thought I'd share. Well.. I think. July is Cancer, right?

kristin said...

Taiya - DO IT - i am so not a girly girl but had my first pedi a few years ago - and being pregnant - yes - oh so worth it.

Oh, and my hair - always in a pony.

T@iy@ said...

Son of a Monkey! Blogger ate my comment then spit out both.

Anonymous said...

AP- Yup. Another bra. I'm very sick with shopping-itis so you have to forgive me ;)

Taiya- Pedicures are totally worth it!

Lisa said...

Taiya, at least part of July is Cancer, yes. I'm not too up on all this astrology stuff, though. And I'm not letting people touch my feet but if you go, take your own stuff. I have a fear of fungus and so should you.

suz said...

Corinne, I think I would like martial arts. I enjoy watching the cage fighting stuff. I could not put together an outfit to save my life. The hubs picks out any nice clothes.

Hi AP There has got to be another Sagittarius here they just have not come out of hiding. Mr. Suz had a good bday. He got steak and shrimp for din din.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Taiya- If you were born between June 20th and July 20th, then you are Cancer :)

T@iy@ said...

And I am pretty sure it is Cancer.

T@iy@ said...

Oh. Yep. Corrine, I fall in that category.

Angie said...

Kristin, I've been meaning to tell you that I finally watched the pilot, and wasn't jazzed enough to watch any more. I like Lauren Graham a lot, but the drama didn't engage me and I didn't think the siblings have much chemistry, unlike the siblings on Brothers and Sisters, which I love.

Anonymous said...

Suz- Martial arts are great! Well, I stopped taking krav maga because it was way too violent - but it is not technically a martial art.
Judo can be rough on the back because of all the falls. Personally, I have a soft-spot for karate-do shotokai (there are different types of karate) :)

Angie said...

AP, the only real "Wow" moment this season was a doozie - finding out what Sawyer's profession is in the side-flash reality! That blew me away!

Anonymous said...

SW-I cannot watch anything new with Lauren Graham because I always remember her as Lorelai Gilmore who happens to be one of my favorite tv characters ever.

Lisa said...

Taiya, do you have a girlfriend who would do it for you? She'd probably do a better job than your husband.

Lisa said...

SW, I agree about that Sawyer thing being sort of wow...I'd forgotten about that. So, what are you thinking about Jacob now? I'm not liking him.

Lisa said...

*** new post up in about 1 minute ***

Muliebrity said...

Fear not, AP. Your fellow Sagittarius has arrived!

kristin said...

Jealous suz! I want to see blindside!

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